Kamis, 19 September 2013


Conflict phenomenonBefore and after entering the 21st century are a striking phenomenon in the local, regional and international conflict is a phenomenon . Many conflicts occur so that it appears other countries ( former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe ), which takes place in several countries and domestic interstate conflicts . Our society is only a few years left bloody years of conflict such as in Maluku , Poso and Kalimantan . On a small scale but enough people still see sporadic internal religious conflict in the institution / organization Christian . The conflict there sticking out and exposed , but many are going " quietly " that led to secession and formed a group ( church ) another .So often conflicts arise in the society so many people argue that the present conflict is a result of globalization because globalization has been the scene antarkorporasi competition to raise funds as much as possible through the investment and exploitation . Estimated to still be ongoing conflicts continue in various forms between the different groups as well as in internal religious faiths ( or that of the church ) because of investment in these areas .But the conflict is not new , it has been present along with the birth of mankind on planet earth . The conflict is as old as the age of the human race . According to the biblical witness the conflict first appeared in the family of Adam and Eve ( Gen. 3 and 4 ) conflict , like it or not , consciously or not , a part of one's life , whether in families , in groups , communities and in the lives of religious alliance .Internal dissension religious groups does not mean that religion ( religion ) teaches enmity . All religions claim to be messengers of peace , love and brotherhood.If disputes or conflicts come to the surface that must be remembered is that human nature is selfish , selfish love , love demeaning other people , consider themselves the most good , which led to widespread internal conflicts and conflicts that will inevitably damage the members of inner peace and even disturb the order society .Religion or religious doctrine being used to strengthen the self / group and to weaken the opponent . Only country that has the power , cultural force , not escape from conflicts , especially religious groups often considered pacifists conflict-prone, because many people always try to use religion to find the position that is considered to raise its image so that they will be taken into account.Would not anyone be expected to judge who is right and wrong in religious conflict , is increasingly difficult also to punish those who fought in the denomination or church . All were able to argue / theological - religious reasons that will be difficult brokered .unifierReligions, especially Christianity , adherents come from different ethnic , and cultural groups are united in a single container that we call the church . The Church has been instrumental to add value to the community . Who had lived in tribal groups , can come together in the church .Instill a sense of fellowship church ( unity ) based on religious values ​​such as love , solidarity , willingness to sacrifice for others , responsibility for building a society as part of the missionary nature of the church and critically assess any developments in society .At the time of the disaster and the unfortunate man , religion is able to entertain , strengthen and awaken hope . In the face of change when people are confused , bewildered look of new developments , churches help people have a clear orientation .A lot of family issues with the help of religion / church can be overcome . Often people believe that their career success is thanks to prayer through pastors or ministers of the church or congregation . Church was able to create a feeling of solid inner members.Religion has a major role in the development of society . Role or roles implies a level which is expected to be owned by organizations / groups that have accrued / important positions in society . Tightly coupled with the role of responsibility because responsibility means a state that must be borne by the organization / group and if there's anything he can be prosecuted / held liable .Therefore, the church should not run away from the duty to realize the internal unity . It is precisely because of religion / the church has a large role in the community and he is prone to be factored solver wholeness.Often in the community , the group buzzing doctrine propounded or purifying self -righteous claim or worketh righteousness , is the most frequent trigger a split . Not infrequently, the reason causing secession truth or generate confusion among community members .
Extremity fragility tends to create groups . Potential should be directed to the ethics of the people and build a good mentality that church people running role as salt and light of the world , spent to resolve internal conflicts and polemics .Communities are always dogged by internal conflicts will not create a strong religious man and mature ; generated only ceremonial religious beings . Problem behavior , they are no different from ordinary people .challengeTowards the end of the 20th century , precisely in 1998 , the churches in the world Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Harare ( Zimbabwe ) have also been working the question : " How do we live our faith in the context of globalization ? " This question was responded to by the General Assembly of 2006 in Porto Allegre ( Brazil ) after a study of several years, the Assembly approved a document called the Alternative globalization Addressing Peoples and Earth ( abbreviated : AGAPE . Version Indonesian Alternative globalization titled Putting People and the Earth , Jakarta : the PMK- HKBP , 2008) Not long after globalization sweeping the world , which happens poverty is getting worse and environmental damage that was already threatening the lives of all God's creation.Faced with the tragic reality , we are invited to develop the economic life of the main character lives of God's household with traits : the grace of God that friendly economy ( oikonomia tou theou ) carry and preserve abundance for all .God is gracious and economy demand that we manage the abundance of life in a way that is fair, participatory and nature preserve . God's economy is an economy that puts the life of the spirit of competitiveness sharing , global solidarity , human dignity , compassion and maintenance of the integrity of creation . God's economy is an economy for the entire ecumenical - the whole earth community . God's justice and His partiality to the poor is a sign of God's economy ( Alternative Globalization , p . 3-6 ) .Globalization situation that we just mentioned , indicating a challenge for religious communities increasingly heavy . The world economy is energized by neoliberalism will encourage free competition . The strong will acquire the most and the weak will be getting squeezed . Then in a state that increasingly complex in the era of globalization ni , the role of religion is needed . Because religion is a source of value , strength and inspiration that never dry . The problem , religious community / church is not free to temptation manipulated by interest groups . Temptations Jesus experienced in the wilderness when He was tempted by the devil continues to appear in the form of the lure of money , position or power and speculation ( see , Matthew 4 : 1-11 ) .In theological unity is a gift of God , is His will also like the Lord's prayer . But it is not for church unity , nor for the social - political , but rather " let the world know " ( believe ) that Jesus was a messenger of God ( John 17 : 21 )We must maintain unity and unity wherever possible so that it becomes more widespread . Unity will be maintained if maintained , cultivated and developed so that all elements of support and feel obliged to do so .Unity is expected to be achieved if there is a quality or nature of that support . Harmonious unity is the unity that gives space and the cool atmosphere that everyone will participate . For that the clergy should continue to foster the community to be aware of the purpose of church attendance , aware of the situation of a pluralistic society and aware of the negative effects of globalization that is very troubling .Church played a major role and also crucial for the survival of life of the inhabitants of nature , especially human beings. If the relationship between people / groups dominated by pleasure and selfishness then the weak will become prey to the strong and it will continue until eventually all will perish .
Community requires a community that cares for the suffering of the poor , oppressed and marginalized . Competitive ethos would not want to look at the pain of others . The whole church ( united ) will be able to strengthen the weak , helped preserve the environment , be able to establish synergies with other groups to humanity .
Church unity is expected to continue to maintain a harmonious and responsible . Responsible means to be willing to bear all the obligations to preserve the unity of the church . Only the union of the churches / Christians can contribute constructively to society , can be part of solution maker. Internal divisions would lead to apathy and difficulty and , in turn, the church will be abandoned his people .

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